Thursday, April 30, 2009

The reason

Well... my first post. What for? Why now? Maybe these are some of the question you are wondering... Actually I also don't know why now but I do know the answer to the other question.

Being so far from family and friends entails a lack of communication. Despite the new IB calling software, calls are not as often as you'd like at the beginning, and these calls usually don't last too much besides. So the info you are sharing with them isn't the same as if you were there. 
You'll always be able to publish some pictures on facebook or send emails just to tell them how are you doing, what i mean is that the e-world brings a never-ending range of tools. 
So why not a blog, this is more powerful, when talking about communicating than facebook, you can not only post pictures but also tell your experiences, etc... 

In this site, I'll try to give you an update of what is going on with my life abroad, far from "home", new friends, new cultures, new experiences...
I also would like you to comment anything you want, topics you would want me to post, old pictures... anything is welcome, it means that you, at least take some time to read the stuff I am publishing, and I appreciate that.

In order to finish this first post I would like to thank Fernando ( ) for encouraging me to create the blog, and I encourage you to do the same.

 El par de dos


  1. Yo pasé por una época parecida... todo se me hacía pequeño y deambulé algún tiempo entre fotolog, twitter, flickr,, y como no, un blog... pero me cansé, como al final me sucede con todas éstas cosas.
    Se hará muy ameno leerte, me alegro por la iniciativa.
    Un saludillo desde España :)

  2. Bienvenido Alex!!
    Ahora a seguir con ello eh!
    Abrazos desde el otro lado de la habitación XD

    P.S. Lucía, no te canses mujer, que esto es muy bonito! :D

  3. Ohh mis primeros comentarios :))
    A mi me esta pasando lo contrario, como pierdo poco tiempo con el facebook, pues ahora hago un blog jaja, espero que dure y que me podais ir siguiendo
    Un beso Lucia, desde la bonita Krakow
    Un abrazo desde el ala norte de la habitacion Fercho!

  4. Otro saludo desde entry....keep us posted with all your hectic antennas, life, pics...and whatever u feel 2share...I will be more than happy to read it...muak!
